Reese Witherspoon noted a 10-year anniversary of marriage: photo


The 45-year-old Reese Witherspoon recently celebrated 10 years from the moment of marriage with Jim Tog. The actress shared in Instagram photo from a wedding, under which he wrote an emotional message. "What a special day for all our dear friends. Looking back, I can't believe it happened so fast! I think this is exactly what happens with three children, a lot of love, a lot of laughter, non-stop travel, a lot of dogs and cheerful adventures, "the star wrote. She wished himself a long-year-old life in marriage with his beloved and admitted to him in love.

Fans supported Witherspoon and congratulated her on an anniversary. "Guys, you are stunning! I wish you all the best and most beautiful life together! "," Happy Wedding Decade! You deserve this happiness! "," I love this pair! Congratulations, this is an incredible journey that you should continue! " - Posted by users. Congratulations joined Star Colleagues Reese, including Zoei Deschanel, Natalie Portman and others.

Reese Witherspoon and Jim got married just a year after the beginning of the relationship. Couple has a common son of Tennessee. Also, the actress brings up two children - Ava and Dicon - from the previous marriage with actor Ryan Phillipp.

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