Valery was condemned for videos with a baby in the pool: "In Chlorock Baby"


Popular singer Valeria, together with his family, spends time at a luxurious resort in the Arab Emirates. The company singer was the husband Joseph Prigogin and her younger son - 22-year-old Arseny Schulgin and his wife Lian and a three-month daughter.

The star family is perfectly resting in Dubai and is actively divided by fresh photos and videos. Recently, a video appeared in the personal blog of the musical producer, for which Prigogina and Valery criticized the network users.

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Valery's video along with arsion and baby Celine cooled in a large pool. The young father himself holds his daughter under the closer attention of a caring grandmother. Prigogin told that this is the first attempt to pay a baby in the pool. Judging by the crying of the girl, she did not fall in taste. Little Celine stayed in water only a few minutes, then Arseny handed it into the hands of his wife. "Cooked, and well," Valery's swimming commented.

Despite the fact that the little granddaughter of the singer stayed in the pool quite a bit of time, such a bathing caused the concern of fans. "Is it so sure - a breast child to bathe in a common pool?", "Maybe it's too early?", "In Chlorock, baby ...", "Yes, I'm about the same thing, such a Manyanuna in a communal pool, and even with Chlorine "Falloviers wondered.

Granddaughter Valeria was born on January 1 of this year. The singer of the soul does not get in the baby. Star husband, Joseph Prigogin, also belongs to the girl and considers it to be his granddaughter.

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