The second series "Falcon and a Winter Soldier" debuted at Rotten Tomatoes with a 100% rating


The debut episode of Sokol and the Winter Soldier becomes the most popular premiere Disney +, as the show put a new record. The second series of adventures Sam Wilson (Anthony Maki) and Baks Barnes (Sebastian Stan) turned out to be so successful that he received a 100% rating for Rotten Tomatoes, gaining approval of both critics and viewers.

"This is exactly such a dialogue that demonstrates why both characters should actually more, much more with each other to talk. Continue to fool, "said IndieWire edition representative in his review.

At the same time, the reviewer from New York Magazine added that the success of the show will largely depend on friendship between heroes, and while it is very impressive. Also, the audience praised the episode plot for the idea of ​​how Sam and Baki cope with life in the new world, in which they suddenly found themselves.

Of course, it is difficult to surprise the fact that the chemistry between the falcon and the winter soldier had so much to fans in the soul, because even the main screenwriter of the series Malcolm Spelman recently spoke about the moment when he realized that heroes would be waiting for a big future in the filmmoven Marvel.

"In the" First Avenger: the confrontation "was about a 12-second moment, when it seemed that literally every fan understands: these two guys will be able to support both the film and the franchise as a whole. They presented a whole range of emotions, when the tonality ranges between something hard as "48 hours" and ridiculous as in the "Pic Hour". What Sebastian and Anthony is doing is real magic, "said Showranner.

Recall that the new episodes of Sokol and the Winter Soldier come out on Disney + on Fridays.

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