Alena Shishkova missed her daughter's birthday due to moving: video


Recently, Timati's daughter and Alena Shishkova celebrated his birthday. True, the holiday in honor of the 7th anniversary of Alice passed in the absence of a mother. The model broke up with the rapper back in 2014, after which he began a relationship with Anastasia Deutheva, but did not cease to communicate with her older daughter and took part in her upbringing.

So now the father decided to arrange a holiday for the heiress, taking her to the Maldives. To the trip to the island of Shishkov did not join. Many network users criticized her due to the fact that she missed her daughter's birthday. It turns out that there was a weighty reason. Alena was preparing a real surprise for Alice, as told on his page in IsnTagram, and the result showed on video. It turns out that the model decided to change the place of residence, so the girl returned from the journey to a new housing.

"We here have a full move" boiled "moving. They collected a lot of years in the boxes, transported, disassembled, set up to have time to prepare everything to her return, "explained the owner of the title" Vice-Miss Russia 2012 ". She sighed with relief when he saw that Alice liked her new room so diligently decorated with balloons. Now that all the most difficult behind, Alena is in a raised spirit of the Spirit, despite the whole criticism in its address. "And in my soul, spring and joy from the pleasant completion of such an important thing," writes Instatil. The fans congratulated her with relocation and asked not to pay attention to what evil tongues say.

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