Stephen King reproached that he does not write inspirational stories like "Escape from Showshn"


Stephen King received unanimous recognition as a master of horror, and at least most of his stories and novels are more than just frightening stories, many are not aware that the writer is also able to create something positive and optimistic. Moreover, once he even happened to meet a man who did not believe that Frank Darabont was based on the "shoot from Shushenka" Frank Darabontta.

The other day King became the guest of the BBC Hardtalk news show, during which he said that horror in his works never stems directly from scenes of violence and blood, and at the same time he told the story, emphasizing how stereotypic people could be the perception of people. According to the author, one day he met a woman on the street, who recognized him and said:

"I know who you are! You are Stephen King! You write all these terrible things. And this is normal. Everything is fine. But I like what the mood raises, for example, the film "Escape from Schown". Then the writer objected that he created this story, but he did not believe.

Of course, King and though he gave rise to a lot of horrific characters (which is at least Pennivez from "It"!), But at the same time, the memorable books do how readers belong to the heroes. The author knows how to create an atmosphere of presence and force to empathize and sympathize, and at the heart of his plots definitely lies not a simple desire to scare someone.

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