Top 25 best films about Christmas and New Year of all time


In the Rotten Tomatoes list there was a place not only to the classic Christmas films like "Elf" or "of this wonderful life", but also ribbons, the action of which is simply unfolding into Christmas or the New Year - for example, all the well-known "strong nuts", which in the US many Completely serious consider the Christmas film.

# 25: Light Christmas (1954)

Rotten Tomatoes critics assessment: 77%

Refined Rating Rotten Tomatoes: 81.436%

What is the movie about: After the end of World War II, two former Conscript Bob Wallace and Phil Davis unite their talents to become the best singing dance duet in America. Concerts follow one after another, guys are becoming more and more popular, and the tour schedule is painted for many days ahead. Once they get acquainted with the female duet of Sisters Betty and Judy, and this acquaintance will lead young people to the idea of ​​creating a quartet and speak at the Christmas Eve with a concert in support of the holiday home for skiers who manage their former commander - retired General Roshlay.

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# 24: Bad Santa (2003)

Rotten Tomatoes critics assessment: 78%

Refined Rating Rotten Tomatoes: : 83.817%

What is the movie about: Willy - Unusual Santa Claus. Once a year for Christmas, he along with his partner robs the next department store. In addition, in the past, he served himself in prison, was not once married, but now Willie is a malicious womanist and a designer. He is truly bad, unbearable Santa! But I found a boy who still believed in it. And Willie will have to create real miracles, so that this time to bring conceived to the end!

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# 23: Bishop's wife (1948)

Rotten Tomatoes critics assessment: 82%

Refined Rating Rotten Tomatoes: : 84.858%

What is the movie about: Christmas Eve, shops are full of gifts, fluffy snow is walking, the townspeople admire the lights of the New Year trees and the gloss of Mishura. Only Henry Brogham - Bishop, who dreams of a new cathedral and giving all his time a collection of donations from rich citizens for its construction, does not notice the pre-holiday bustle. Personalized by his dream, he practically does not pay attention to the family. One evening, a stranger appears in front of the bishop named Dudley, who assures that he is an angel, despicable from heaven to help. The bishop can not believe in the existence of angel, but what is happening small miracles forcing Henry to think about the vanity of their lives and revise relationships with loved ones, friends, daughter and beloved wife ...

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# 22: Batman returns (1992)

Rotten Tomatoes critics assessment: 81%

Refined Rating Rotten Tomatoes: : 85.728%

What is the movie about: A new threat has hung over Gotham. Two eccentric characters: a vile penguin, abandoned by his parents and came out of urban sewage, and the mysterious woman cat began to fight for power. One of them intends to take the chair of the mayor of the city, and the other is experiencing romantic feelings for the Gotham hero. The struggle of goodness with evil unfolds against the background of Christmas in Gothema, and Christmas in Gotheme is a holiday for the strong spirit and rich weapons :)

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# 21: Christmas Hymn (1951)

Rotten Tomatoes critics assessment: 84%

Refined Rating Rotten Tomatoes: : 88.617%

What is the movie about: One of the best adaptations of the classic work of Charles Dickens, "Christmas Hymn" is a story about the old and hardened whoresuer Ebeserer, which is experiencing a deep purification test for one night. The spirits of the past, present and the future make the hero see themselves from the side and change his attitude to the events in their own life.

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# 20: Gremlins (1984)

Rotten Tomatoes critics assessment: 84%

Refined Rating Rotten Tomatoes: : 89.073%

What is the movie about: The charming fluffy animal of Magma is capable of taming even a stone. In addition, he has an absolute rumor! Just be careful: it can die from sunlight. It is impossible to splash on it. And what will happen if they feed him after midnight, it's just scary to imagine ...

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# 19: Elf (2003)

Rotten Tomatoes critics assessment: 84%

Refined Rating Rotten Tomatoes: : 88.992%

What is the movie about: Many years ago, a curious kid hid in a bag of Santa Claus and went to the distant North Pole. Update among the elves, the poor boy was adopted by one of them, received the name Buddy and years old tries to establish himself in the complex world of magic pygmen. One problem is too high and noticeable to become a real elf ...

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# 18: Swap in places (1983)

Rotten Tomatoes critics assessment: 86%

Refined Rating Rotten Tomatoes: : 89.58%

What is the movie about: The life of a respectable businessman Louis Winthropes of the Third, the manager of the richest company with Wall Street, turns cool after his bosses, the Duke brothers, conclude an unusual bet. One of the brothers considered that anyone could manage the company, even the most rejected and uneducated passing. Putting on the dollar, the brothers offer to head the company with a street fraudster Billy Ray Valentine, without even suspecting that, by changing the places of passing and a major businessman, they risk much more than could imagine.

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# 17: Christmas in Connecticut (1945)

Rotten Tomatoes critics assessment: 88%

Refined Rating Rotten Tomatoes: : 89.925%

What is the movie about: Journalist Elizabeth Lane is one of the most famous recipe authors in the country. In his articles, she describes himself as a hardworking farmer, a caring mother and amazing chef. But all this is a lie. In fact, she is a unmarried resident of New York, who is not able to even cook eggs. A good friend Felix is ​​divided with recipes with it. The owner of the magazine in which she works, invited the seamen Hero to celebrate Christmas at her farm. Miss Lane understands that her career will come to an end, if the truth comes out, but what can she do?

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# 16: Once in Tokyo (2003, Animation)

Rotten Tomatoes critics assessment: 90%

Refined Rating Rotten Tomatoes: : 91.124%

What is the movie about: Three homeless people - alcoholic tramp Jin, transvestite Khan and a fighter beggar, Miyuki live on the streets of Tokyo. They have long been forgotten how it is: have a roof over your head and eat three times a day. They already do not need anything from life, and it is indifferently passed by them, having riding each other endless gray weekdays. But once on the Christmas tree, this Trinity finds a lost newborn girl on the street, and in the lowered vagroys, the forgotten was waking human feelings. Heroes decide in any way to find parents of Baby, not yet suspecting that, becoming its guardian angels, they will touch the miracle of Christmas and will receive a chance to change their own life ...

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# 15: Looking around (2016, Horror)

Rotten Tomatoes critics assessment: 88%

Refined Rating Rotten Tomatoes: : 89.316%

What is the movie about: It all starts almost like in "one house", that's just this time the boy is not one at home. In "Looking from" the action also takes on Christmas: in the house on a quiet suburban street, Nanny is trying to protect the twelve-year-old boy from hackers, but soon discovers that this is not an ordinary invasion.

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# 14: Santa for sale (2010)

Rotten Tomatoes critics assessment: 89%

Refined Rating Rotten Tomatoes: : 91.191%

What is the movie about: New Year's fairy tale for adults and with an adult rating R, "Santa for sale" - a film for those who think that he is no longer believed in Santa Claus. Far in the snow-covered mountains of Lapland, the gorge at a depth of 486 meters found a find, reliably covered from everyone. Now it's time to open it to the world.

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# 13: Christmas Fairy Tale (2008)

Rotten Tomatoes critics assessment: 86%

Refined Rating Rotten Tomatoes: : 90.289%

What is the movie about: Junon and Abel - an elderly married couple. For Christmas, their children must gather under the roof of the house all together for the first time in six years. Elizabeth's eldest daughter arrives with his closed and non-consistent child. Henri, lousy sheep in the family, brings his mistress. The youngest sons of Ivan arrives with the devotional wife of Sylvia and two children. Simone's nephew is still expected, the son of the deceased brother Zhunions. But on the agenda, there will be not only a holiday in the warm family circle. For Juns, which was found leukemia, this Christmas can be the last. Elizabeth and Henri could not tolerate each other for many years, they will have to make up. In the past, Silvia hides some sinister mystery, which she has to learn.

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# 12: Miracle in Morgans Creek (1943)

Rotten Tomatoes critics assessment: 88%

Refined Rating Rotten Tomatoes: : 91.256%

What is the movie about: The story, old as the world, at the same time sad, and ridiculous: After the Wiring of the detachment, the girl from the province named labor is married and pregnant and does not remember, what is the name of her newly-made spouse - except in the last name he was exactly the letter "s" ... Or was there a name? However, since the case takes place for Christmas, and in Christmas, miracles happen, this time the miracle will happen in the Morgan cry in the life of the main character.

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# 11: Adventures of Rudolf Olena (1964, Retro Animation)

Rotten Tomatoes critics assessment: 92%

Refined Rating Rotten Tomatoes: : 92.438%

What is the movie about: The classic Christmas fairy tale about Rudolph's deer, a small assistant Santa, who was born with a bright red nose - and therefore, differing from the rest of the deer of Santa, almost lost his honorable place in a Christmas harness. Rudolph proves that it is worthy to be an assistant Santa, self-escaped almost canceled Christmas and on the way to meet reliable and faithful best friends, the same unlike everyone, as he himself.

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# 10: Christmas Charlie Brown (1965, cartoon)

Rotten Tomatoes critics assessment: 92%

Refined Rating Rotten Tomatoes: : 92.982%

What is the movie about: Christmas comes, joyful citizens rush to gifts, the streets and houses are decorated with garlands, in the air hovers the spirit of the holiday - and only Charlie Brown is not happy because, despite all the gifts, postcards and Christmas decorations, he does not feel the festive atmosphere of Christmas, which destroyed Commercialization. Together with the faithful friends, Charlie Brown will have to independently find the meaning of Christmas and return the lost ability to rejoice at the holiday.

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# 9: Christmas History (1983)

Rotten Tomatoes critics assessment: 89%

Refined Rating Rotten Tomatoes: : 93.998%

What is the movie about: Indiana, 1940. Nine-year-old Ralfi dreams of an ideal Christmas gift - a real two-chaired pneumatic rifle of a red rider. Grilling dad and caring mommy, naturally, against, believing that their precious son can embarrass themselves! And then Ralfi decides to seek help from Santa Claus.

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# 8: Santa Claus Secret Service (2011, Animation)

Rotten Tomatoes critics assessment: 92%

Refined Rating Rotten Tomatoes: : 96.315%

What is the movie about: Unlucky Arthur, the younger son of Santa, whom James McEva voices, will have to do the impossible - and deliver a forgotten gift to the girl, although everything around and claim that it is impossible to put a gift under the Christmas tree in time.

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# 7: Strong Oreshk (1988)

Rotten Tomatoes critics assessment: 92%

Refined Rating Rotten Tomatoes: : 97.119%

What is the movie about: Christmas comes in Los Angeles, but the policeman John McClein (Bruce Willis) is not expected to have any holiday - in the Superior Skyscraper, he leads a deadly fight with a gang of political terrorists led by the mysterious villain Hans Gruber (Alan Rikman), who took two dozen people hostage , among whom his wife gets.

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# 6: Nightmare Before Christmas (1993, Animation)

Rotten Tomatoes critics assessment: 95%

Refined Rating Rotten Tomatoes: : 101.443%

What is the movie about: The cartoon tells about the kingdom of Halloween, the kingdom of fears and nightmares, where the dead, freak, monsters led by the king of horrors Jack Skellington. Under Christmas, Jack accidentally falls into the city of Christmas, where he learns that there is somewhere joy, good and fun. He was terribly wanted to experience this feeling - to give people happiness - and he kidnapped Santa Claus and took his place. The results were, however, the most deplorable, and my gifts to anyone, to put it mildly, did not like. But he understood everything and corrected his mistake.

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# 5: How Greench stole Christmas! (1967, animation)

Rotten Tomatoes critics assessment: 100%

Refined Rating Rotten Tomatoes: : 101.766%

What is the movie about: The history of Greencha was rented more than once and right now reworked again (this time the main character will voicate Benedict Cumberbatch), the classic animated version of 1967 is considered the best. The main character, Greench, lives on the top of the hill over the town of KTograd with his dog Max. Every year, during the Christmas, Greencha's hatred to the happy residents of KTograd grew more and more, and once Greench decided to disrupt Christmas. Drawing into Santa Claus, rushing out and forcing his dog to drag him on a sleigh, he snuck into the houses of the town of the town and stole them with gifts, food and decorations ...

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# 4: Angle shop (1940)

Rotten Tomatoes critics assessment: 100%

Refined Rating Rotten Tomatoes: : 103.148%

What is the movie about: "Matyushk and Co." - Gift shop and souvenirs at the corner. The staff has an employee - Alfred Kralik, a pretty young man who is in love with the girl he has never seen, and does not even know the name (their "novel" rinsed through the mailbox, according to correspondence). Alfred and imagine can not be that in fact his mysterious beloved - his own colleague named Clara, with which they work together and are not too latter, especially when the traditional Christmas-gift fuss is unfolding in their store.

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# 3: Festive Hotel (1942)

Rotten Tomatoes critics assessment: 100%

Refined Rating Rotten Tomatoes: : 103.235%

What is the movie about: "Festive Hotel" is a musical about singer and dancer Jim Hardy, who leaves the show business to become a Gentleman's farmer in New England. However, farming life turns out to be too difficult for him and ordinary, and trying to "kill two hares," the hero turns his farm into a country entertainment club, widely opening the doors on the days of national holidays and celebrations.

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# 2: Miracle on the 34th Street (1947)

Rotten Tomatoes critics assessment: 96%

Refined Rating Rotten Tomatoes: : 103.618%

What is the movie about: During the parade, arranged by a large store on Christmas Eve, an actor who had to play Santa Claus, was found in the insole drunk. Director of the parade, Doris Walker, persuades the passerby old man Chris Kreingla to take the place of Santa. No one suspects Chris Kreingle and there is a real Santa Claus.

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# 1: This wonderful life (1946)

Rotten Tomatoes critics assessment: 94%

Refined Rating Rotten Tomatoes: : 104.723%

What is the movie about: George Bailey, the owner of the credit company - honest, responsive, loving husband and father, entered by adversity by him and is thinking about suicide. Obviously, a person who refuses the biggest gift of God - life - needs the help of the guardian angel. And heaven sends him to Clarence's revenue, the only one free angel of the second class, pleasant, good, but inexperienced, not even deserved wings. Despite the inexperience, Clarence finds the only right decision - to show George the world in which he does not exist.

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