Cole Sprowy revises one of his shows only when drunk


Cole in Apawo does not like to look at himself on the screen. However, one series with his participation, the actor is still revising, but only in certain states. In the category Vogue "73 question" Cole admitted that he was reviewing the series "All Type-Top, or the Life Zack and Cody", "When drunk or experiences a narcissism." When he was asked what he was looking at the young himself, the sprawl answered: "I don't like to watch my work at all, so I try to stay away from this."

Cole and his twin brother Dylan played Zack and Cody when they were 13 years old. Vogue asked what Council Cole would give myself if it could return to the past. "Find yourself a good consultant for finance, a kid, and do not do our taxes on your own. What kind of government? " - Cole replied.

Also, the actor remembered the touching moment from the filming: "When I graduated from high school, the film crew arranged a big graduation, I even cried in front of the camera. This moment is somewhere on video, you can dig. "

Earlier, Cole answered the question about the possibility of rebooting the series "All Type-Top, or Zack and Cody's life": "We often ask us about this, and we answer:" No, absolutely no. " A reboot or revival of some project is always a cunning piece. The original show, if it was successful, becomes precious nostalgia. And when you upgrade it, there is a possibility that you will pushing the fans of the original. This is a very thin and important point. "

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