Helena Bonham Carter: Tim Burton snoring


Yes this is true! They really sleep in different beds. That's just this fact has nothing to do with the possible decay of their pair.

Hearen, herself told everything with Radio Times: "Tim is very snoring. This is the reason. We experienced a lot of money, but they do not work. He has a biased partition and he does not want to make an operation. "

Apparently, it snoring too loudly, because the couple even lives in different homes in London, let them be in the neighborhood.

They met on the filming of the film "Planet Monkeys" and began to meet in 2001.

Helena also commented on other rumors: "They say that Tim and I am a crazy couple, which has an underground tunnel between the houses, and that our children live with another pair next door. We have two houses, because my too small. We see each other as often often, like any other couple, just our relationship is stronger than we have a personal space. This is not violent intimacy. This is a private life. And that's fine if you can afford it. "

Currently, the couple does not plan to legalize their relationship, but they both are incredibly happy with each other.

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