Kerzhakov began to save due to alimony: "It remains about 200 thousand"


Recently, the football player Alexander Kerzhakov became the hero of the next release of Youtube-channel "Sports Interviews", which touched the topics of his material well-being.

As you know, at one time the athlete received multi-million fees, but now its monthly income is about 500 thousand rubles. Considering that Kerzhakov needs to pay alimony, his personal spending remains a much more modest amount.

So, the footballer remembered that in the old days, when he spent about two million per month, then only on the maintenance of the house and the payment of nanny services, as well as the driver he left about 350-400 thousand.

"Now, after paying alimony and taxes, I have about 200 thousand rubles. This is quite enough, I think. For many inhabitants of our country, this is a huge money, "said Alexander.

By the way, the former striker of the Zenit Football Club recognizes that the need to save does not give him significant inconvenience, as money for him is far from the main thing in life.

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"I buy completely ordinary things. Also and son we can calmly buy things in the" Children's World "for one and a half thousand rubles. In terms of quality, they will not be worse than those worth 30 thousand, "Alexander told.

Recall that the alimony, which make up the sixth of the income of the football player, is paying for the content of the son of Artemy, whom the former wife of Milan Tulipov gave birth to him. Kerzhakova from past relations there is a 15-year-old daughter Daria and the 7-year-old son Igor.

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