For a short time, Megan Plant And Prince Harry threw another employee


Around the members of the Royal Family of Great Britain - Prince Harry and Megan Marchable - continue to thicken clouds. Recently it became known that another employee of the Dukes of Susseksky left his position.

Senior Consultant of the Charitable Foundation Megan and Harry called Archwell decided to leave his post. Catherine Saint-Laurent worked in the Duke of Susseki's Dukes a little less than a year. Harry and Megan lured Catherine to work in their fund from Bill and Melinda Gates in April last year. She became the main assistant of the dukes. Then the spouses were incredibly proud that Catherine appeared in their state, because she took over a large amount of work, for which, by the way, he received a rather high wage.

For a short time, Megan Plant And Prince Harry threw another employee 62924_1

The departure of the senior consultant from office has become a big surprise, and rumors immediately began to spread in the network that heavier than the difficult character of Megan. It should be noted that neither Catherine Saint-Laurent, nor the duke until they declared the cause of the termination of the employment agreement.

For a short time, Megan Plant And Prince Harry threw another employee 62924_2

Recall that this is not the first employee of the family of Prince Harry, who leaves his employers. When Megan and Prince Harry still lived in the UK, several nannies were gone from them. In addition, some time ago, another 10 employees of the Kensington Palace admitted that the Duchess often humiliated them and allowed themselves the mockery appeal.

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