"Nothing foreshadowed": Shalyapin voiced the cause of hospitalization Kudryavtseva


Singer Prokhor Shalyapin saw the leading "secret to a million" Leroy Kudryavtseva a week before she was in the hospital. The artist noticed that Teediva looks tired.

Prokhor called the work and the permanent "project race" the main reason for stress at Lera. He stated that the Teedulation "all arranges" thanks to his tact and good moral. So on the set of the next project, she kept, as usual.

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"Lera felt normally, although the total fatigue was felt. Nothing foreshadowed that such a breakdown could happen to her, "Prokhor shared in a conversation with the publication" Moskovsky Komsomolets ".

The artist reminded that Lera gives a lot of strength not only work, but also a family: her husband and a two-year-old daughter Masha. In general, Shalyapin was not surprised that Kudryavtseva was in the hospital. In his opinion, one of the reasons for strong stress was rigid self-restraint lera in food. The singer advised all women to watch their health more, and not behind the figure.

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"She keeps himself in shape, the body in stress is constantly ... My opinion that Lera felt ailments because of the wild loads and cut themselves in food," said Shalyapin.

Lerru Kudryavtsev was taken to the hospital with the filming of the new release of the show "Secret by Million". She complained about pain in his chest, and she urgently caused ambulance. In the hospital, Lero was sent to intensive care and previously called the reason for malaise: accumulated fatigue, stress.

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