Adam Levin boasted a giant tattoo that stamped three days


Adam Levin fought himself the first tattoo when he was 21 years old. The reason was the sad - the terrorist act, which occurred in the United States on September 11. Then the singer felt that he had to speak out about this, calling for peace. On the biceps of his left hand appeared image of a pigeon.

Now on the body of Adam a whole collection of tattoo. Among them are the word "mother". The hands of the frontman of the group Maroon 5 are fully painted. And now the giant image appeared on one site of the skin of the artist - the left foot from the ankle to the hip decorate huge waves. This tattoo Master Nathan Costachko stuck three days. The course of the business Levin showed in the personal microblog in Instagram.

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"The most painful way to tarnish," the artist joked. Sometimes instead of pain, he, on the contrary, was shy. Despite the painful and so long process, he is pleased with the work of the tattooer and does not regret his decision. "It was worth it," Adam is recognized.

Over the years, during which the singer decorate the body by the knack, he developed a special attitude towards them. For Levin, the tattoos became a roadmap, which tells about his fate. "They always remind me of this duty, strange, an amazing journey, who was life," said in an interview with People Artist.

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