Scott Pilgrim against All "will be released in re-rental with updated special effects and sound


Last year, 10 years since the release of the film "Scott Pilgrim against All" was published; And as soon as the situation with a pandemic began to stabilize, it turned out that the fans of this romantic history await a gift. In April, the US cinemas will show an updated version of the ribbon, which can boast even more impressive visual and sound effects.

The film was based on a series of graphic novels Brian Lee O'Malley, and the main roles were played by Michael Séra (Scott Pilgrim) and Mary Elizabeth Winsted (Ramon Flowers). According to the plot, Scott was to defeat seven evil former Ramona to get the right to become her the following chosen.

Despite the fact that the box office fees were not particularly impressive, "Scott Pilgrim against all" conquered the hearts of fans and became a kind of phenomenon of pop culture. As the director of the ribbon Edgar Wright said, the new version received "best characteristics" and give the audience an unforgettable pleasure from viewing. Reprint also complement the new trailer and a bright poster with the image of the main characters.

Scott Pilgrim against All "was designed for large screen and best sound systems. See him like this - it is obviously a dream of any director. You want people to have seen your work so high-quality as possible. I suspect that if you are a fan of the film, you will get great pleasure, looking at it in such a version, "said Wright.

By the way, those who cannot get into cinemas should not be desirable: the director also said that in the future it is planned to release tapes as 4K UHD Blu-Ray.

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