Daughter Gwyneth Paltrow touching her on a difficult day: photo


Gwyneth Paltrow brings up two children from the former husband, Chris Martin: the 16-year-old daughter of Apple and the 14-year-old Son of Mosnes. Recently, the actress shared the note that her daughter left her. The girl wanted to pick up mom when that was a difficult day. "I love you. I'm sorry that you have a difficult day today, "the epple wrote and decorated the card with a heart. "These nice little things," the actress frame signed.

In one of the interviews, Gwyneth said that her daughters do not like when she lay out in Instagram photos with her. Also, the actress complained that the epple was "shake" Mamu: "My daughter is already ashamed of me. Do not let God do something in public, even if I just stand and silent, she will definitely say: "Mom, stop!", - Shared Paltrow.

Last year, the epple threatened mom on her passion to intimate goods. The girl made a list of cases from the face of Gwyneth, in which there were only two points: "Make more vaginal stones and candles with vagina aroma." Paltrow posted this list in Himself in Instagram and laughed: "Interpretation of the epple of my list of everyday tasks."

Gwyneth Grow children with the current Beloved Brad Falchak, but Chris Martin also participates in their upbringing.

Last year's essay for Vogue Paltrow told about relationships with Chris, ColdPlay soloist: "We and my former were always friends. We laughed at the same things, shared impressions, jokes and all sorts of nonsense. We were close, although never completely became a pair. We simply did not fit each other. There was always a bit of discomfort. But God, how did we love our children! " - noted the actress.

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