"I regretted that there is no diaper": a violent patient penetrated in the House of Kudryavtseva


The other day the star of the NTV channel fell into intensive care. At the moment, the health of the star does not threaten anything, but even in the place of emergency medical care, Lera could not feel in complete safety. As the lead itself admits, an unknown person in the ward of intensive care was penetrated at night and he was very frightened.

"Raise your head and see a healthy man who quietly opens the door from the next block. A man comes to bed, stops in front of me with a smile on his face and completely insane eyes. I sank and see blood on his white T-shirt. I regretted that there is no diaper with you, for I was ready to inflate my pants from fear, "the details of the TV star shared the candle. From the fear of Kudryavtseva could not produce a word and only tried to escape from the chamber. His feelings of Lera compared with the most terrible film of horrors in his life.

It turned out that it was a violent patient who escaped from the neighboring chamber of the department. Earlier, Kudryavtseva told that he fell into the hospital due to the suffered stress and overwork caused by a dense working schedule. She suddenly became bad during filming, after which the colleagues called an ambulance, and the TV presenter was taken to the hospital. Now Lera, despite the transferred additional stress, feels satisfactory, but still forced to stay in the hospital.

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