"Updated 15 years old": Agutin ridiculous rumors about breaking with Varum


The popular singer Leonid Agutin gave an interview with the "Caravan History" edition, which spoke about his relationship with his wife, no less famous singer Angelica Varum. Despite the fact that the couple is together for more than 20 years, quite often in the network and the media write that the spouses decided to part. It is this situation that commented on the artist.

To the question of a journalist on how often he had to explain his own parents who arose rumors about his divorce with Varum, the musician answered: "We have already diluted with fifteen years. Well, indeed, it stopped, it is impossible to live together so long! I think in the presentation of people, we had to stretch five years and part. Hence the rumors. "

As for the parents, Leonid noted that those quite painfully reacted into community speculation, but "the tenth time was already accustomed."

Also Agutin reminded the known case when in the press printed a story that he spent the night with an unfamiliar girl from Krasnodar, promising her a successful career in show business. Mom artist, read it, called him with questions. However, in that article it was said that the couple was singing Martini, but Martini Agutin, he said, could not drink for sure. Thanks to this detail, he managed to prove his loved falsity of that material.

At the end, Leonid Agutin noted that the demand for rumors gives rise to a sentence. It is for this reason "nonsense write a lot."

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