From Amanda Bains to Edward Farlong: 10 young actors whose life has destroyed popularity


And not everyone can cope with it. Ten stars, which "could not".

Amanda Bains

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Amanda came to the film industry, following the wishes of his father, who adored the scene and encouraged his daughter in every way in the theater. The girl was only seven years old when she first appeared on stage. And already at the age of ten Age, Amanda debuted into the cinema, playing in the television series "Everyone". The career of the young actress confidently went to the mountain, especially the good Amanda established himself in a comedy role, who won numerous praises for magnificent funny images. However, Amanda herself dreamed of trying himself in a different role. But, alas, the comedy image behind it fixed very firmly. At the age of twenty, Amanda played a major role in the youth comedy "She is a man." Seeing himself on the screen in the image of a guy, the actress fell into a deep depression - it was not at all what she was striving for. And Amanda began to rapidly sliding down - alcohol and drugs did not affect the appearance of the actress, she was immediately reign and recovered. Amanda stopped inviting to shoot, which further aggravated the situation. The actress turned out to be a culprit of several accidents, including in a drunk, and was also detained by the police with drugs, after which it was forcibly sent to treatment into a psychiatric clinic. After the treatment of Amanda declared the intention to go to the college and return to acting. She did in college, but did not receive proposals for the shooting. At the beginning of this year it became known that Amanda again fell into the clinic for rehabilitation.

Haley Joel Olement

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The name of the actor is not on the hearing, but seeing his photo, everyone will remember the "the most-boy-of-sixth-feeling". In the six-year-old age, Hayley conquered the hearts of the audience, playing the role of Forrest Gampa Jr.. And after the role in the film "Sixth feeling" to Hayley came world fame. The role of a boy who can see ghosts, brought 11-year-old Hayley nomination for Oscar. The same powerful acting game Hayley showed in the sensational films "Pay another", "Artificial Mind" and "Faces of Death". It would seem that the further successful career in the movie Hayley is provided. But Glory did not benefit him. No, the actor did not become a drug addict nor an alcoholic, but once was detained for driving a car under the influence of alcohol and drugs. Adult, Hayley very much recovered that he had a negative impact on his pretty appearance. Good luck turned back to him. Haley began to appear on the screen only in low-budget films and secondary roles. In 2019, the actor played the role of a second plan in the film "Beautiful, Bad, Evil", telling about the life of Ted Bande, the famous serial maniac. The film did not receive high marks, but the game Hayley earned positive feedback.

Lindsey Lohan

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Lindsay began a career model, being completely baby. Already at a three-year-old girl began to act for magazines and videos. At the 10th age, Lindsay made his debut on the TV screen in the TV series "Another World", and in a year played in the popular comedy "Parents' trap", becoming one of the most sought-after actresses. Every year, films with a charming blonde came out on the screens. Glory did not go to Lindsa for the benefit - already at the age of 20, she began to attend the meetings of anonymous alcoholics, and soon she went to the rehabilitation clinic at all. Scandals associated with alcohol and narcotic drugs, as well as inadequate behavior of Lohan, followed one after another. In 2006, 4 days before the start of the shooting of the novel "Poor creatures", in which Lindsey was to be filmed, the star was arrested for drunk driving and aimed at compulsory treatment. After a year, the actress was again detained for managing a car in a drunken state, and soon she was charged with the storage of drugs. For his adventures, Lindsay was not only headed for compulsory treatment, but also served in prison duration of 14 and 30 days.

Danny Bonadyus

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The talented American television and radio host were born in the family of producer and the screenwriter. It is not surprising that from the early years, Danny began to film. But popularity spinning with a young star. In the youth, Danny was arrested for an attempt to acquire drugs. This fact was accompanied by a particularly loud scandal due to the fact that at that time Danny was leading at the congress of supporters to combat the junior addiction in Florida. A year later, Danny was arrested for the beating and robbery of a girl of light behavior, which turned out to be formerly a man. Later, Danny was able to take himself in hand and is now a popular showman in the United States.

Engeus T. Jones

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The glory of young talent brought the role of Jake Harper in Sitkom "Two and a half people." But participation in the popular TV series made it not only the highest paid minor actor television, but also seriously undermined his nervous system. In 2012, he struck the public, publicly subjected to a serial tight criticism. Being on the verge of a nervous breakdown, Angeus left the acting career and refused to return to the set even for filming a small episode, in which his presence was required. He did not change the decision even after the Creator of the series connected to persuasion, saying that he was now completely religious and focused on his obligations before the Adventist Church.

Drew Barrymore

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Drew began his career literally in infancy. The girl was 11 months old when parents decided to participate with a blur in children's samples for filming in the advertising of a dog food. During filming, one of the dogs bit a little Drew - Naturally, the producers expected to hear children's crying, but instead Drew laughed. After that, the girl was immediately hired. At the age of five years, Drew played her first role in the cinema, and a year later she got the role of Gertie in the film Stephen Spielberg "Alien". Drew became famous. But such an early glory spoiled the girl. Smoking Drew began at 9 years old, drink alcohol - at 11 years old, and from 12 years began to use narcotic substances. At the age of 13, Drew passed the course of treatment in the rehabilitation center, but after a year he fell there again after the suicide attempt. In 15 years, Drew, showing the amazing wisdom and the power of will for this difficult age, realized that it could not continue to continue. She left a destructive lifestyle and never returned to him again.

Dana Plato

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Popularity came to Dane at the age of 14, thanks to the role of Kimberley in the television series "Different moves". Young actress was filmed in the series 6 years, receiving high fees, but at the 20th age, it became pregnant, and since the pregnancy character did not fit into the plot, she was fired. After the birth of a child, Dana could not get significant roles and for some time starred in low-budget films. While participation in the TV series Dana was addicted to drugs and alcohol. And after her acting career went to no, the mother died, and the marriage broke up, desperately, she tried to rob the store and was arrested. The further life of the actress did not work out, and in 34 years old was donated from the overdose of narcotic drugs.

Makola Kalkin

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She conquered the hearts of the audience roles in the films "One House" and "Rich Richie" and was considered one of the best children-actors. Calkin's fee for his role in the film "One house - 2: Lost in New York" amounted to $ 4.5 million, which became a record amount for children-actors at that time. However, its subsequent roles were not so successful. At the same time, Macaale's parents demanded that he continue to be filmed, earning money for a family, despite the fact that Machalah began to be very tired. As a result, Macaoles left the acting career. His parents started a loud broken-produced process, on which he fiercely defended their rights to custody of children and the right to dispose of money earned by the famous son. Naturally, such shocks did not pass without a trace for Macaesee. He began to abuse alcohol and drugs, lost and lost the previous charm. The death of an older sister in an accident and parting with a cute kunis, with which the actor met for almost 9 years, led to the fact that in 2012 Maicolae Kalkin attempted suicide, having adopted a large dose of tablets.

Todd Bridges.

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Like Dana Plateau, the actor's popularity brought a role in the series "Different moves". Todd's popularity did not cope, at a young age addicted to drugs, and in 24 he was arrested and convicted for an attempt to kill drug dealers. After that, Todd was able to take himself in his hands, coped with narcotic addiction and even returned to the movie as an actor and producer.

Edward Farlong

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At the age of 13, the casting was won by the role of John Connor in the cult film "Terminator-2". After the release of John instantly became famous for the whole world. Played in the films "American Heart" and "American History of X", deserving the praise of critics. Career Edward went to Sunny because of the same problems as for most young stars: problems with alcohol, drugs and law. According to rumors, it was the reason that Farlong did not take on the role of John Connor in the third part of the Terminator. Currently, Edward Furlong is removed in low-budget films and secondary roles.

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