James Gunn appreciated the translation of the chip phrases from the "Guardians of the Galaxy"


Directed by James Gunn praised the fan video devoted to the disclaimer of phrases, which in the "Galaxy Guards" pronounces the Gothic, the Value Humanoid. The director shared his opinion on the Twitter page.

So, the fans of the kineomix in a short video tried to decipher what the native exactly says. The fact is that, according to the story, the language of his people has only one phrase, which sounds like "I am a sad", but it can be any sense, it all depends on intonations. Fans took passages of the film, in which there are dialogues of the nude, and subtitles added to them explaining the meaning of statements.

Gunn highly appreciated the video. He noted that fans in almost all cases were able to properly translate from the hectic language into English.

"The rest [In addition to the last] phrase is very close to the original. Excellent assumptions, but not quite accurate. But still good work! " - Posted by Gunn.

He noted that at his disposal there were special deciphers of the chip phrases, which, among other things, used Vin Diesel, voicing the character. According to Gann, the clarification helped the artist to select intonation and especially helped when Diesel recorded his replicas for duplicate versions of the film in all languages.

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