Iskhakov admitted that relations with Gagarina spoiled after the divorce


The photographer and designer Dmitry Ishakov gave a frank interview after a painful divorce with the singer of Polina Gagarina. Spouses lived together for six years. According to the photographer, the disintegration of the family became a strong shock for him. In this marriage, a daughter was born that parents called Mia.

A 43-year-old photographer told in an exclusive conversation by Peopletalk, that after the divorce, his relationship with Gagarina was noticeably worsened. Ishakov first admitted that now practically did not communicate with the former wife and does not follow what is happening in her life. Spouses could not keep friendly relationships. "Our with a polynomial relationship is complex. We communicate solely on issues relating to the daughter, "the secular photographer frankly said.

According to Ishakov, while they were still married, he spent a lot of time with the singer, accompanying her all trips, now he has many free time for both work and reflection.

After the divorce Polina Gagarina dismissed the ex-spouse from his company. According to Ishakova, for him it did not become a surprise. "At some point, everything has changed, and in the light of new circumstances, there was no longer needed anymore," the photographer added.

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