"Will be invited to the role of Baba Yagi?": The star "Univer" sproduced Hollum


34-year-old Hilkevich is not bent any roles and images. Despite the glamorous appearance and the fragile constitution, Anna is ready to play the role of any plan, including not the most pleasant characters. Not so long ago, the actress surprised her fans, laying out the photo in the formation of a homeless. The star stated that henceforth always intends to be in this form.

Subscribers actresses were very surprised, but she continued her "beauty" - Experiments with appearance. The other day the star of the series "University. New dormitory "showed herself as Hollum - the character of famous film" Lord of the Rings ", filmed by the works of R. Tolkien. "There are many different entities and manifestations in man. This is one of your favorite and anyone except you, not open! Enough and no longer be surprised that I so easily changed in the homeless! These were seeds in general. Maybe someday will be invited to the role of Baba Yaga? " - the star asked the joke.

One of the first on a fun and terrible video was reacted by Colleague Ani on the series - Actress Natalia Rudova. "I have a hysterical!" - Hilkevich's friend admitted. Other Folloviers poinged Anna, that it is impossible to lay out such a terrible video at night looking. Many simply did not recognize the idol in this image and reported that after watching the roller they could not sleep for a long time.

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