"Bravo, Regina!": Todorenko praised for the expensive gift to parents


Regina Todorenko, together with his brother, gave parents a comfortable car. According to the leading "eagle and the ripe", she dreamed of this for a very long time, but certain circumstances prevented this desire. And her dream finally came true!

The process of donation of the car TV presenter recorded on the video and published it in a personal blog. Apparently, parents did not even know about the surprise that adult children prepared them. The whole family went for a gift on the old car, and Mom and Pope Regina advised to put on the eyes of black masks, which usually use to sleep so that they did not see an expensive gift.

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Well, of course, when the parents removed the masks and saw a luxury car, they were incredibly happy, happy and very raute.

"And now the moment came when we managed to please dad and mom. Our beloved, travel with comfort, let this machine brings you only pleasure and the brightest memories! " - Signed Todorenko Roller.

She told subscribers that a month ago, her dad reported his intention to buy Smart to transport dive equipment for dives, and then she decided that she would do it herself. Now, on the new auto, Father Regina will go to diving, and all of their large Odessa family will be able to make close or distant, but, according to Teediva, necessarily cheerful trips.

"Bravo, Regina", "Class. You are great. Parents are proud of you, "" It is very cool when the children please the parents, "fans admire.

And Todorenko assured that the next gift, which they together with his brother would make beloved parents, there will be a big and cozy house.

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