"Black Widow" received a new release date: the film will be released in July on Disney + and in cinemas


The complex epidemiological situation in the world does not allow film studios to build plans for films. Many expected premieres spectators were to see more than a year ago, but they did not go to hire. Disney announced a new wave of transfers. The premiere of the Marvel Studios blockbuster "Black Widow" was supposed to take place in the past May, but after several transfers of the new release date, Ma this year became. Now the ribbon will appear on July 9. The studio decided to release it along a hybrid scheme - simultaneously in the cinemas and disney + on the Premier Access system, which assumes users to buy access to a movie for $ 30 in addition to the main subscription to the service.

"Today's announcement reflects our focus on ensuring consumer choice and satisfying the changing audience preferences. Using a flexible distribution strategy on a dynamically developing market, which begins to recover after a global pandemic, we will continue to choose the best options for providing exciting stories the Walt Disney Company to fans and families around the world, "said Karim Daniel, Chairman Disney Media and Entertainment Distribution.

A few weeks ago Bob Chapek, the head of Disney, stated that the "black widow" can be viewed only in cinemas. The same opinion also expressed the head of Marvel Studios Kevin Faigi. The final decision of the studio, most likely, influenced the successful hybrid launch of the cartoon "Raya and the last dragon".

In addition to the "Black Widow", Disney film company transferred other expected premieres. The "protagonist" with Ryan Reynolds will appear in the cinemas on August 13, and the "Shan-Chi and Legend of the Ten Rings" - September 3. Premiere of the militant "King's Man: Beginning" will take place on December 22. The release of "deep waters" with Ben Affleck and Anya de Armaas is now appointed on January 14 of the next year, and Detective "Death on Nile" - on February 11.

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