Century Transaction: Disney bought Fox for $ 52 billion, X-and-Dadpool people return "home"


In the framework of the Disney Agreement, 39% of Sky TV and Film Studio 20th Century Fox got. The remaining Fox assets are including Fox News and Sports channels - will be formed in a new company.

Buying Disney Assets Fox marked the completion of the half-century media expansion of Rupert Meroka, the FOX owner, which is 86 years old. Once the construction of his own media empire Murdoch began with the same Australian newspaper inherited from the Father at the age of 21 - and managed to turn his father's legacy into one of the largest news and cinema of the Empires of the world.

For the integration of assets will be followed by Chairman of the Board of Directors of Disney Bob Aiger, who for this extended a contract with a corporation for another two years - until the end of 2021. In the list of assets that disney now come, are also:

FX Networks.

National Geographic

About 300 world TV channels

22 Regional Sports Channels

30% in the Hulu Stregnation Service (in addition to those 30%, which Disney has already owns)

Several television studios responsible for the production of serials (for example, "American Family")

Well, of course, the entire 20th Century Fox film studio library, as well as the widely discussed Fox rights on individual Marvel superheroes (and this is, for example, X-and-Dadpool people) - now they are all "returning home" under the auspices of Disney. Among them:

The rights to such franchises as "Avatar", "People of X", "Alien", "Predator", "Strong Oreshek"

Rights to television content - "Simpsons", "Futurama", "Griffins", "Secret Materials" and others

The rights to the characters Marvel - already mentioned X-Men, Dadpool, Fantastic Four

A source

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