"The first night was terrible": Rupert Grint was afraid that the daughter would stop breathing


Last year, the actor Rupert Grint became the Father for the first time. The family couple was born a charming baby, which was given the name Wednesday, which translated into Russian means the day of the week "Wednesday". It is thanks to the appearance of a girl on the light of Rupert for the first time won an account in social networks. There is an actor and admitted to fans, which became dad, and revealed the name of the baby. The first young Father warmly congratulated the former colleagues on the movie, including the executor of the role of Draco Malfoy, actor Tom Felton. Since then, the fans of the Greent follow the personal life of the idol in the network. The other day Wednesday turned nine months.

Congratulating the daughter, the screen wizard told subscribers about her first days of life. He admitted that on the first night, when the baby remained at home, he felt just awful. The most inexperienced father was afraid that the girl would stop breathing and suffocating. The actor began insomnia, as he worried that the baby could perish. In his interview, Esquire's magazine Star Pecterian admitted that he could not fall asleep because of the fear of a sudden death of a newborn.

"I do not want to go into details, but the first night was terrible. I could not fall asleep, constantly checking whether it breathes in a dream. I just fought with my sleep, fearing that she would die, "Grint said to journalists. With the advent of his daughter, the actor experienced a real "identity crisis", trying to understand that he should change in his wardrobe to look like a real father.

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