"It was awkward": the star "Ivanov-Ivanov" spoke about kisses with Arzamasova


The star of the series "Ivanov-Ivanov" Alexey Lukin recently spoke about how Casting actresses was passed on the role of graduate student Anastasia Pavlovna. According to the actor, 14 girls claimed this role, but only Lisa Arzamasov could have been selected without unnecessary problems.

The 21-year-old actor told in a conversation with the correspondents of the elast edition about what was worried during the filming of spicy scenes. According to the plot in the fourth season of the series at the main character, Ivan, a novel was to begin with a graduate school. According to the script, there was a lot of passionate scenes. "We had a casting, and with girls you need to play a kiss scene. Somewhere 15 people were kissed, but not with everyone, but with many. And then Lisa came. I did not imagine how you can play with her. I was awkward, "the actor told frankly.

Alexey Lukin noted that it turned out to be a big surprise that the fragile and gentle Arzamasov was able to reincarnate so easily into a seductive. The star admitted that he literally appeared in the chair after he saw Lisa in the fatal image. "The director said:" Stop ". We did not do anything, kissed already on the set. Lisa told that he wanted to move away from the usual image. I respect those who try differently, "the actor added.

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