The star "Bridgeertonov" suspected in the novel with the ex-boyfriend Kate Beckinsale


There are rumors that there is a close relationship between Saturday Night Live Star Saturday Night Live, Phoenev's actress.

Rumors appeared after Piet saw in England in the hometown of Phoebe - Oldringem. The comedian was there on the weekend. And in February, Daynevor visited New York - she posted a photo in Instagram made in the area where Pete lives.

As reported by the actress and comedian spend time together. The Sun also also noted that Pete and Phoebe "enjoy each other's company, although familiar not so long ago." According to Insider, Davidson traveled to England to see the actress. However, information is not yet confirmed.

Previously, Davidson was engaged to Ariana Grande. He also met with Kate Bekinsale, which is 20 years older than him for 20 years, with an actress "Once at ... Hollywood" Margaret Culley and the daughter of Cindy Crawford model Kayei Gerber.

Last week, a woman who said him was illegally invaded to the pit of Pita. The violator knocked on the door, I was opened by Mom Davidson. The comedian at that moment was not at home. Then the woman went around the house and entered him from the court. She stated that he was his wife Piet, and said that she was with him "telepathic love." A woman was arrested for illegal penetration.

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