Without shorts: Dana Borisova showed "honest" photo in bikini


44-year-old Dana Borisov more than once condemned representatives of the Russian show business for excessive use of photoshop in pictures. The TV presenter itself promotes naturalness. She shared in his Instagram photo and several videos from a holiday in Egypt in Bikini. "What do you say? We, of course, in a fairy tale! The sea is warm, very clean. Tomorrow we will have a training session by snorkeling, will be photographed at the bottom, "says Borisov for the scenes. TV presenter assures that the frames were not processed in Photoshop, because she wants fans to see her real.

As it turned out, on vacation to Egypt, the star went with the daughter of Polina from Maxim Aksenov. For a long time, the mother and daughter were in tense relationship due to alcohol and narcotic dependence. Dana passed a long rehabilitation, after which she was able to establish relations with his daughter. Former beloved wanted to deprive Borisov Parental rights to Polina. This year, the girl will be 14 years old. Fans celebrate that it looks like a father. Shortly before the TV presenter went with the support of star colleagues to the rehabilitation center on Samui, Polina remained to live with his father. As reported in the media, she still lives with Aksenov.

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