Quarantine is not afraid: how many signs of the zodiac can cope with stress


We are trying to maintain our physical and mental health and fighting fears of loss of work and lack of money. In such conditions, it is quite natural to succumb to tomorrow. Depending on our sign of the zodiac, it is possible to survive stress in different ways. Let's determine the zodiacal stress resistance and find out what needs to be done to better adapt to new living conditions.


Challenges of fate are not terrible to Aries. There are no obstacles for you, and you are moving forward, no matter what. If you can not show the initiative or find a solution, you become hot-tempered and tense. Your sign personifies determination and impulsiveness, so sometimes you act prematurely and thoughtlessly, without having a clear plan. To cope with stress, you must own the situation and be able to manage - only under such conditions you will feel safe. You are really fearless.

Being a calm and collected person, you know how to lead your loved ones and instill hopefully for the best. Solid faith in herself and willingness to support the surrounding people will help you to remain in spiritual equilibrium.


Unpleasant changes deliver discomfort and anxiety to calves. However, you will not sit back and you will not make any validity. You will begin to rest against heels and work on finding a solution to the problem. You flourish thanks to your constancy, stability and material security. When you encounter stress or uncertainty, you collect all the accumulated resources and due to this luggage resist non-vitality. If you doubt or worry about anything, then stick the status quo, and not blindly moving forward over unfamiliar area. You will continue to work, and you will not leave despair. Oddly enough, but it is the routine that will help you keep afloat. Your motto: keep calm and continue in the same vein.


You think a lot and speak a lot, and in the state of stress, these qualities increase doubly - your anti-stress protection is triggered. The nervous system takes on the main blow, why are you becoming swirling, exhausted, inconsistent and irritable. In the times of uncertainty, you need to "turn off the brains", try to calm down and concentrate on what brings pleasure: music, books, food ... In fact, you easily fit and find the strength to look for new solutions, the necessary information, facts, evidence and Inspirational news.

You analyze the information received well and use it to find positive moments. You quickly calm down, having become acquainted in social networks with like-minded people who, like you, do not doubt that everything will be fine.


When stressing cancers will hide in their seashells. You will feel protected in the walls of the house, on your cozy sofa, hiding a blanket with your head. In stress you need emotional support from loved ones. In a state of depression and fear, you tirelessly complain about life and pour tears. Such behavior will affect everyone: relatives, friends, colleagues.

You like the air you need consolation and moral help. You approach the difficulties and troubles. You come sideways like a crab. Alone is difficult for you to cope with your fears. Therefore, start the ZOOM or video calls urgently - communication will save you.

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a lion

In stress, the artistic and dramatic abilities of Lviv are only enhanced. "The show must continue" - here is your motto. The best way to cope with obstacles is to look at them widely revealed. Looking for fear in the most subsidiary, you will be less subjective. In such difficult times, creativity will help you. Light the game on the guitar, try to draw a picture, write a funny video. You adore chat and communication, so organize a joint project with your friends. Why don't you run a joint culinary or humorous blog? Do not forget that laughter is the best medicine!


The virgins have a reaction to the stress of lightning. Once around you are starting to thicken clouds, you are not thinking of going to work on the savings plan. Your brain works hard and scrolls all sorts of exit scenarios from an uncomfortable situation. In the anti-stress struggle you are reactive and more stable other zodiac signs. You will try to take the situation under control and to carefully analyze. At such times, your love for cleanliness can turn into an intrusive idea. Sit without a case is not about you. Daily cleaning becomes a ritual of cleansing not only its home, but also heads.


Scales can see all sides of the stressful situation. However, being in emotional tension, you do not want to make decisions and take on any responsibility. This is due to the fact that you are afraid to be mistaken. You will argue a lot, but at the same time do not do anything. All you need is to calm down and focus on what is happening. Only in silence you can find the right solutions for complex tasks. You think well and analyze in a duet, so contact your friends or native people. Together you are power!


As soon as the stress situation happens in your life, you go to full secrecy mode. Removing problems and reluctance to take them to create for you the most comfortable conditions. Otherwise, you will experience stormy emotions and imagine the worst scenarios. As a fixed sign, you do not like to change and do not know how to let go of the situation. You can cope with difficulties if you are watching the development of events from the ambush. One day you will revive, like phoenix, and you will find a solution to the most unexpected ways. Your inborn trick will help you.


You become scattered and vulnerable when you are experiencing stress. In search of calm you will jump gallop and run in different directions at the same time. To find a way out of the life labyrinth, you need brain stimulation and consciousness. You are a symbol of freedom, it is difficult for you to be in isolation. But you can easily adapt and therefore you will try different ways to overcome obstacles. Your best cure for stress is to maintain your corporate humor and do not forget about the goals set in front of yourself.

Remember that everything ever ends! And bad times too! When you believe it, you will have enough courage to solve any problem and step over any obstacle.


Capricorn's response to stress is that you start working even more, strive for control, take responsibility, command all and restore your orders. In difficult times, you can feel melancholy or despondency. Despite this, you like challenges of fate and stick to realistic views on what is happening. You are not trying to embellish, although in fact it might go good for you. During this period, your main task is to give yourself a breather and find a balance between work, home and personal life. You do not like to endure failure, but not always correctly assess your strength. Choose a mountain of difficulties on your opportunities!

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If other signs of the zodiac during stress are slow and emotionally removed, then you include a turbo to help all mankind. You will postpone personal problems and switch attention to all who surrounds you. We will worry about them and completely borrow about your comfort and safety. You will be worried literally all, because you will establish a mission to save the world. Yes, these are noble intentions! But with such emotional and mental estates, they will not expire for a long time! Stop and take care for a start about yourself. As soon as you come to normal, you will be able to save everyone else.


In stress, fish float, leaving the danger behind. You are known for the fact that with any incomprehensible situation, you begin to live in your fantasy world. Cut out the reality and set a reliable block - such is your protective reaction. The water has a property to find workarounds, and it saves you!

Over time, you will achieve your goals. But for this you need perseverance and resistance. They are your way to emotional balance, mental harmony and success.

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