Star "Anatomy of Passion" pushed themselves against hate asians


Sandra O, known as Dr. Kristina Young in the "Anatomy of Passion," said emotional speech in Pittsburgh. She discussed the recent surge in hate crimes against Americans of Asian origin and how people can help support the community. "For many of us in our community, this is the first time we can even express your fear and anger, and I'm really very grateful to everyone who is ready to listen. I know one thing: many in our community are very frightened, and I understand it. And one of the ways to overcome our fear - contact our community, "says Sandra.

She called on to help each other and stop insulting Asians. "We must understand how Americans of Asian origin, we just need to stretch your hands to our sisters and brothers," says the actress. The star said that you need to be proud of my origin and fight for your rights to the last.

Earlier this week there was a series of shootout in three Spa salons Atlanta, as a result of which eight people were killed, six of which were Asian origin. During a press conference on Wednesday, the Police announced that a 21-year-old man was arrested and confessed to this, although he argued that it was not connected with racism on his part.

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