Thin and ringing: Jennifer Lopez pleased the social network video of 24 years ago


51-year-old Jennifer Lopez never ceases to surprise fans. This time, she shared the frames from the film "Selena", in which he fulfilled the role of the legendary Selena Kinentyli. In his Instagram, she told how to get into the role. "I can not believe that since the release of" Selena "passed 24 years. I am so proud of this film! I am so proud that I am part of the amazing heritage of Selena. When I was preparing for a role, I studied her without tired, every her step, the movement of the fingers, lips ... her infectious laughter ... Her expression of the face, "says the actress.

In the videos of the star performs several songs of the Kintanili. In the comments, fans supported Lopez. "I want to wipe my memory to reconsider this masterpiece again!", "You're stunningly created the image of Selena! Bravo! "," Stunning film! " - Written users under the frames.

The film "Selena", which was released in the figures in the distant 1997, was the first with the main role for Jailo after a number of small secondary roles. After that, the performer released its debut album on the 6. The film tells the history of the singer Selena Kintanili, who struggled for the right to perform on the stage on a par with men. In 1995, Queen Tedjano was killed by the president of his own fan club.

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