Results 2017 according to PopcornNews: incident and scandal of the year


Celebrated envelopes on Oscare -2017

Now this incident is no longer thinking anything loud, but in February the envelopes are confused at Oscare, the envelopes turned out to be a real scandal. Recall, in the final of the ceremony, Warren Beatti announced for the scene for awarding award for the best film that La La Land won - but immediately it turned out that the envelopes were confused, and in fact the "best film" Film Academy Recognized "Moonlight". In the network, the incident was immediately dubbed "oskarogate" (by analogy with Watergate), giving us a lot of very funny memes:

"That dude who gave Warren Beatty Envelope"

"I'll change the envelopes in the end of the envelopes"

"So far - the best reaction to Oscare"

And a little bit of memes about "Oscar" for the "squid squad":

"The" suicide squad "has as many" Oscars "as Leonardo Dicaprio. It looks like wrong. "

"Now we live in a world where Donald Trump is the President of the United States, and the" suicide squad "is a Oscar-1

"My reaction, when the" suicide detachment "was given" Oscar ""

"Hello, America. This is me, Amy. I just wanted to remind you that the "suicide squad" is now "Oscar", and I do not. Cool cool".

"And" Oscar "is awarded .... "Suicide detachment" "

Cinema racial scandals

The leitmotif for almost just 2017 (well, at least as long as Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey did not overthrow everything and everyone) remained racial cinema scandals - associated with casting. In 2017, the influence of the audience at the film studio turned out to be strong, more than ever. At first, due to a racial scandal, the "ghost in the armor" failed at the box office (the audience turned out to be extremely unhappy with the fact that the role of Japanese in the adaptation of anime was never Japanese Scarlett Johansson, and boycotted the film). He was then criticized for the fact that he agreed to the role of a character with Asian roots in the new "Hellby" - and eventually the actor from the role publicly refused, and also brought her apologies.

John Boyega criticized the "Game of Thrones" and "The Lord of the Rings" for the lack of dark-skinned actors

Disney and the creators of Aladdin criticized for the "wrong" jasmine

Ed Shedn refused to role in the new "Hellby" under the pressure of the public

"Ghost in the armor" turned out to be one of the worst films in Career Scarlett Johansson

"Leak" naked photos of celebrities

The story, which in fact lasts no longer the first year, but for some reason Hollywood stars does not teach anything: celebrities continue to lay out in the "cloud" services and keep their "naked" photos on phones, and hackers equally regularly continue to crack it all regularly and lay out in common. This year, the victims were celebrities such as Ann Hathaway, Chloe Market, the star of the Games of Thrones, Natalie Emmanuel, Dakota Johnson, Kristen Stewart, Miley Cyrus.

Hackers leaked naked photo Ann Hathaway and her husband

Naked photos of the stars "Games of Thrones" Natalie Emmanuel hit the network

Hackers "Slily" into the Network Nude Photos Chloe Market

Hackers laid out naked photos of Dakota Johnson and her new lover

Hackers plunged naked photos of Kristen Stewart and Miley Cyrus

Scandal with Harvey Weinstein

The scandal with the Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein, accused of sexual harassment and violence, it is probably called the event historical: it was he who became the starting point for those who sprinkled one after another charges against Hollywood actors, directors, producers and other "heavyweight" industry. It all started on October 5, 2017, when The New York Times published an interview with Achley Judd, in which she told about sexual harassment by Harvey Weinstein. After that, in the address of the producer almost every hour, all new accusations of the victims began to receive, and then "People's Anger" swung on others - Dustina Hoffman, Ed, Jeffrey, were also accused of harassment, Jeffrey Rasha. For Kevin Spacy, everything that happens generally led to, it seems that the end of the career.

Hollywood stars against Harvey Weinstein: All you need to know about the loud scandal of the year

New Details of the Hollywood Sex Scandal: Harvey Weinstein sought a compromising on his victims

Rose McGowen accuses Ben Affleck in the Complication of Harvey Weinstein

Pamela Anderson stated that the victims of Harvey Weinstein are also guilty of what happened

Jennifer Lawrence about relations with Harvey Weinstein: "He was like a father"

Scandal with Kevin Spacy

Literally a few days after the scandal with Harvey Weinstein "opened the dam" charges, Kevin Spaysy also got under these accusations. It all started with the fact that the 46-year-old actor Anthony RPP, familiar to the audience on the series "Star Path: Discovery," accused Spacei in harassment, and the incident itself occurred 31 years ago, when the victim was only 15. On the publication of this history, Kevin Spaysy responded Operatively, after a few in his Twitter, a statement appeared, in which the actor said that he did not remember this incident, but he brings his sincere apologies, and at the end he stated that he wanted to "live honestly and openly" and therefore "chooses Gai's life. Apologies and Caming Out did not help: Spacy got into opal, lost Emmy, was fired from the series "Card House" and hastily replaced in the new film "All Money Money" on another actor. Colleagues Spacy informally converge in the opinion that the career of the actor after this scandal is most likely completed.

Kevin Spacy openly declared his alternative orientation

Immediately 8 employees of the TV series "Card House" accused Kevin Spacei in harassment

Zakari Quinto accused Kevin Spacy Kaming-Out in manipulation for "attention abandonment"

Kevin Spacy deprived the "Emmy" award

Brian Cranston about Kevin Spacy: "His career is over"

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