"Neof-formations in the legs": Goar Avetisyan was afraid of complications after liposuction


The famous Russian stylist Goar Avetisyan recently shared revelations with subscribers. The star admitted that her had complications associated with liposuction suffered some time ago.

The 27-year-old Slebid Diva knows not when it is important to keep track of your appearance. Recently, Goar Avetisyan decided on a beauty-procedure for the sake of a beautiful figure. She made liposuction and calmly passed the recovery period, when suddenly began to understand that her condition worsen. Stylist decided not to tolerate, but asked for medical attention. As a result, Avetisyan was discovered in the legs of the neoplasm. "Ultrasound did about an hour. First, we found two neoplasms two centimeters in diameter. Then they checked standing. On his left leg just a huge piece. There is a suspicion that this is either cyst, or something else, "said Celebrity.

According to Goar Avetisyan, these bumps cause severe pain when walking. "To be honest, I dream only about one thing: to find out what kind of neoplasias and quickly helped to remove this pain. I began to walk like a penguin, as it hurts very, "Shared Makeup Guru.

Goar Avetisyan has been trying to come to an ideal figure for several years, but the fight against excess weight will not be completed. She lost weight many times, but he returned again. Avetisyan was recognized as his fans, which literally hates her body.

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