Nicole Kidman wants her children to live with her


Australian actress saddened the fact that her reception children, 18-year-old Isabella and 15-year-old Connor, live with a former husband Tom Cruise, his wife Katie Holmes and their daughter Suri, but she also admitted that he would not challenge their decision: " They live with Tom. This is their choice, "she said. "I would like them to live with us, but what can I do?!".

Although she is upset that her older children live with her, she gladly cope with the role of a young mother, raising her daughter Sunday Rose: "It's fine that in 43 I have a daughter, which is 2.5 years old."

Explaining the unusual name of the child of Sunday (Sunday), Nicole said that they were not accidentally called it. This day, with her husband, China urban love most: "When we were alone and have not yet met each other, Sunday was for us both especially a terrible day, because when you have no one in life, it can be very lonely on Sundays. And then, when we met, we stopped being afraid of Sundays and began to love him to truly. Now it's a day when no one bothers us, we can fall into bed all day, we can do everything that they wanted to do. We just thought it was a wonderful name for a child. "

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