The star of "Avengers" almost threw the shooting due to dance under Michael Jackson


The 53-year-old Mark Ruffalo, known for the role of Hulk in the film marvel, was back in early 2000s with Jennifer Garner in a fantastic comedy "out of 13 in 30". The actress recently said that Ruffalo could not demonstrate excellent dance skills for the song Thriller Michael Jackson. "There was our first rehearsal. Judy Greer and I - both grew up dancers, and the poor Mark did not know. And he came then, without knowing how to dance. He so hated the rehearsal process that he almost threw a study, "recalls Garner. Because of this, the actor could leave the project.

In the film Jennifer and Mark played beloved. Now the actors will again unite and play spouses in the "Adam project". "It was wonderful. We played a married couple, and we had instant reunion, and it is obvious that there is a connection between us and warmly. In fact, it was really wonderful experience - return to these relationships, "Garner shared.

The actors became friends on the set of "out of 13 in 30", but their friendship was interrupted when Jennifer came out for Ben Affleck. Then Ruffalo admitted that Ben against male friends, and because of this I had to stop chat. "We perfectly spent time together, and our friendship could continue, but Ben appeared in Jennifer's life. And this meant the end of our friendship, "the actor told himself. In February last year, Affleck and Garner divorced.

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