Demi Lovato "I had to die" to tie with drugs


28-year-old Demi Lovato released a documentary about his life "Dancing with the Devil", which raises important questions for himself. Now the star gives an interview, which clarifies some moments from the film. So, the network has a small fragment of Demi's conversation with CBS Sunday Morning, in which she tells what happened to it in 2018. Doctors said it properly that after an overdose of narcotic substances, she was left to live from five to ten minutes. "For the first time in life I had to die to wake up," says the star.

According to the performer, it is still difficult to believe that she was able to survive and continue to fight dependence. To take yourself in hand and start withstanding addiction to drugs, I had to make a lot of effort. Five years ago, Demi also talked about drugs on CBS Sunday Morning. Then she managed to get rid of dependence on some time. "I was probably 24 when I gave an interview here. It's good, because I already recover from addiction, I'm freed from many habits, although I still can not consider myself happy, "the singer admits.

Demi released an autobiographical film so that people could pay attention to drug addiction problems. She herself hid his addiction to the prohibited substances from their relatives. "Recovery is not a universal solution. You should not force yourself to sober if you are not ready. You should not sober because of other people. You have to do this for yourself, "adds Lovato.

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