Kate Kane will return in the second season "Battheumen", but the heroine will play not Ruby Rose, but the other actress


The creators of the superhero series "Betheumen", which has undergone serious personnel changes between the first and second seasons, will still show the key figure of the first episodes of Kate Kane. However, the character will embody on the screen not the actress that played a superhero in the first season.

According to the TVLINE edition, who lost Kate Kane, guarding the streets of Gotham under the guise of Betheumen in the first season, will appear on the screens again in the upcoming episode. However, Kuzina Batman will play not Ruby Rose, who performed this batch during the first season, and the British actress Wallis Day. For Day, superhero theme is not in a novelty: she embodied the image of the Judge of the Nissa-Vseks in the Crypton series from the Syfy TV channel.

Recall, the series "Battheumen" started on the CW channel on October 6, 2019. The executor of the leading role of Ruby Rose collided with a large number of negativity from the audience and the fans of the DC Universe. In this regard, the actress left the show in May last year, and Javia Lesli came to her place, especially for which the project introduced a new central character - Ryan Wilder. The new heroine has taken upon himself the mission of the beans after the disappearance of Kate Kane.

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