"Old woman! Such a Syakaya ": Alla Pugacheva answered the criticism of appearance


The singer Alla Pugacheva acknowledged that he was becoming more and older. The performer of Hita "Arlekino" called himself an old woman and complained about criticizing her appearance.

Fans admire not only the creativity of the singer, but also her wisdom. They often remember her particularly labeled phrases that do not lose their relevance. On one of the fan pages in Instagram published a quotation of prima domestic pops about its age.

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Alla Borisovna admitted that in life focused on the motto "We have the road everywhere, old people everywhere we have an honor." But when she became older, I realized that it was not everywhere you can find the promised honor.

"Suddenly I read, and I take a laugh:" old woman! Such a Syakaya. See what she, without paint, without everything! "I'm tired of it. Yes! I am old. And I can't do anything with this, "Pugacheva said.

The actress added that her soul is still young, but age takes his age.

"Here I am a aunt of seventy years ... Yes, I am older. Already lay down and think: "Will we wake up," Alla Borisovna admitted.

Fans supported the favorite singer and fell asleep with compliments. Many noted that Pugacheva looks younger than his years and perfectly copes with the role of his wife and Mom for younger children.

"The youth is given to everyone, and the old age is chosen", "keep it, Alla Borisovna, we love you", "Every 70 years it looks like", "There is no powerful time over you," the fans wrote.

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