"Divine Books": the changed Nyusha was compared with Jennifer Lopez


Nyusha's singer surprised fans in a bright way. Pictures taken before her concert in Yekaterinburg, the artist published on his page in Instagram.

So, for the performance of Nyusha, I tried an unusual image in which her thighs were bare due to spectacular cuts on trousers. In the signature to the publication, the artist told about the new composition written in the way.

"So far I flew to the Ekb to a concert, I started writing a new track ... Speeches give me such a cool recharge. So COMING SOON, "says Nyusha.

Fans first drew attention to the bright image of the performer. In the comments, they showered Nyusha compliments, and someone even compared the singer with Jennifer Lopez, which is famous for its attractive figure and lush hips.

"Divine pins," say fans.

Other subscribers are interested in the upcoming song. Under the record, they asked the actress of dozens of questions, trying to find out the details of the composition, but Nyusha ignored all the comments of fans.

Recall, the last record - Solaris ES - singer released on October 16 last year. An album consisting of 19 tracks was recorded for 6 years and was presented on the singer's own label.

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