"Destroyed the stick of sausages and loans": the star "defenders" told about childbirth


Actress, Star of Projects "Sashahatany" and "Defenders" Alina Lanina told how her childbirth passed. The celebrity published on his page in Instagram record dedicated to this.

So, in the publication Lanina shares his feelings from childbirth. According to her, childbearing is a lot of "new, powerful sensations, unpleasant, but absolutely natural."

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"The feelings are not immediately bright and strong. You can safely take a walk, in my case - to eat well (sausage sticks were destroyed), take a bath at home, to understand for a long time: "This is a fight, yes?" And many have time to sleep, "says the artist.

She also notes that the treatment of teeth without anesthesia was given much more complicated than the birth of a son.

Fans highly appreciated the publication. Some subscribers thanked the artist for valuable advice and the story, while others noted that they also experienced similar sensations and fully agree with the idol.

"Very interesting and truthfully! The third item was especially responded: the treatment of teeth without injection is really worse. And much more painfully reduced the leg at night, "the fans are recognized.

Recall, Alina Lanina became a mom on December 13 last year, giving birth to the son of Leo. The actress regularly publishes snapshots with a young heir, telling how her weekdays pass as a mother.

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