"My turn to be a heroine": Chris Hemsworth's wife is preparing to "beat" him


In a new interview with Sydney Morning Herald, Elsa Pataka told that he was out of the shadow of her husband Chris Hemsworth, known for the role of God Torah. Elsa was offered to play a superheroin in the Interceptor film. Her character saves the world from 16 nuclear missiles. Therefore, now the Pataki leads itself to the "superhero" form and trains a lot, and its classes are not inferior to the training of Chris.

"Our daughter saw her dad as a superhero. It is fine, but now my turn is to be heroine. I am 4-5 times a week and it became more to eat to gain a lot, "the Pataki shared. For help in sports training, the actress turned to his spouse, as well as the well-known fitness guru Ross Edgeli.

Recently, Elsa impressed subscribers in Instagram video with the moment of their workout, where she pushes into the other end of the hall a heavy cargo. The fans supported the actress, noting that she could "put" the Torah itself.

Earlier, in an interview with Pataka, he was told that he was fond of fitness from adolescent age, so it is unlikely that the transformation into a superheroin will give it difficult. "I was always delighted with the tightened, athletic body, and my whole life was connected with exercise. I did not stop doing this from 14 years old. Chris and I love to play sports, eat healthy food and move, "the actress shared.

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