"The former wife broke something": Ivlev denies that Kudakov led him from the family


Lead show "On knives!" Konstantin Ivlev Last year surprised many of his fans when they divorced his wife and twisted the novel with the model Valeria Kudkova. Then the criticism collapsed on the lovers: fans called the new chief of the chefs of the deliberate. However, Ivlev immediately made it clear that the new relationship appeared after the first marriage aroused.

47-year-old TV presenter and his chosen played a wedding at the beginning of this year. Recently, Ivlev frankly told the publication of "7 days" that Kudakov did not take him out of the family. According to the chef, his former spouse accused Valery in vain. "My former wife immediately led myself incorrectly. Something blasted in the media, they, as it happens, pulled out words from context and rubbing, "explained the presenter.

Konstantin prepared her beloved in advance to the fact that they would begin to criticize. "At the right time explained to her what would happen and why in no case do not need to react to it. In terrible time we live, honestly. Around envy and greed - two large vice, "said the star cook.

At the same time, Ivlev noted that literally from the first meeting with the model I realized that this was the woman that he needed. "I immediately said:" Ler, you are mine. And I don't want to let you want you, "the TV presenter shared memories.

Recall that the wedding of Konstantin Ivlev and Valeria Kudenkoy will show on the air of the TV channel "Friday!" March 25.

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