The star of "Desperate Housewives" recovered from scandal with fraud


Back in 2019, Feliciti Huffman was accused of fraud. The star of the "Desperate Housewives" series was involved in a serious scandal associated with a criminal scheme, in which many celebrities were bribes in particularly large sizes in order to enroll their children to prestigious universities.

So, the actress was accused of bribes for the device of her daughter in a famous college. Huffman was arrested and sentenced to fourteen days in the Correctional Institution of Dublin (California) and 250 hours of public works. In addition, the celebrity paid a fine of $ 30,000, which is twice as many bribes, which she made for the device for his eldest daughter at the university.

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But now the life of Huffman and her family is being upgraded. Moreover, the star of "desperate housewives" managed to return his reputation in the cinema. "Felicity's life returned to normal. Feliciti entered the right thing, took responsibility and restored her career and reputation, "said the source approximately to the star.

It became known that in November last year, Huffman signed a contract on a major role in comedy. This is the first television work of the actress since its release.

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Despite the fact that Feliciti's public works completed a year ago, she continues to engage in charitable activities. The star has established contacts with his family and plans to lead a law-abiding lifestyle in the future.

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