7 unusual films of the last decade that everyone missed


"Remember me", 2010

Production: USA

Genre: Drama

IMDB rating: 7.1

Psychological drama, the main character of which is hard to experience the death of the younger brother and can not find a common language with his father - as, however, and almost with all others. The tragedy of one person, developing into a large-scale tragedy, whose name is 9/11.

This is a truly complex film, each phrase in which you need to chew carefully. At the same time, very life and shrill. But. With all his tartness and beauty, the film did not become popular in the wide mass of the audience. It seems, the reasons here are two. First, as already mentioned above, the picture is very difficult for perception. And secondly, Robert Pattinson. What sin to hide, the role of a charming vampire in the "Twilight" saga not only helped the actor to conquer female hearts, but also, alas, caused a persistent dislike of the male audience of the audience. At least in our country. Meanwhile, the Pattinson game in "Remember me" is absolutely incomprehensible with his game in the notorious image of the vampire.

This role has become one of the best in the career of the actor, and the film itself definitely deserves your attention.

"Dechange Teacher", 2011

Production: USA

Genre: Drama

IMDB rating: 7.7

The history of the teacher adopted for a temporary position in a dysfunctional school, where to lay a teacher with obscene brand is considered common. Powerful psychological drama raising the topic of lawlessness reigning in a number of US schools, educational students from poor neighborhoods. What self-respecting teacher will work in such conditions? That's right, only indifferent and not too competent. As a result, it turns out a vicious circle, because such a school invested its weighty contribution to the education of children is unlikely to be able to. Unfortunately, the film, which is a real pearl of cinema, remained unnoticed for the broad masses.

Recommended for viewing.

"Best Offer", 2012

Production: Italy

Genre: Thriller, Drama

IMDB rating: 7.8

The main character, managing the famous auction house, from time to time not to turn the grandiose scams, bringing him a considerable profit. And otherwise he is a solid, respectable and secured person, rotating in the highest circles of society. And he is a cooler bachelor. But everything changes when a young heiress appeals to him, who asks to assist on the sale of an antique collection of valuable things. The girl has one oddity - she never leaves the limits of their room and does not let anyone there.

Very ambiguous picture, for the development of the plot of which is better to follow more closely. Otherwise, there is a risk to distract, miss something important, and then the film will seem fresh and boring. The main meaning of the tape lies in the gradual reincarnation of the main character, distracted, finally, from the material side of life in favor of romance and feelings.

The finale in the picture is completely unexpected, especially in contrast with smooth and unhurried development of events at first.

"Calvary", 2013

Production: Ireland, United Kingdom

Genre: Drama, Western

IMDB rating: 7.4

Already one slogan of the film - "Kill the priest on Sunday - a good idea" - suggests that we have an unusual film. Once, Father James listens to the confession at which a parishioner admits to him that for many years he was subjected to violence on the part of the late priest. A deep mental injury affects the psyche of the victim, who declared the Father James, that he had exactly a week, in order to bring things into account. And then he will be killed.

Heavy, but at the same time an absolutely beautiful film. True faith and conviction that we are all in the hands of God, make the main character not to look for reliable shelter and not run for help to servants of order, but to continue their mission, changing the life of the parishioners for the better. As most of the films taken in Ireland, the picture is replete with magnificent kinds of nature, which give an additional aesthetic pleasure to the view of the viewer. Strong, smart movie, which is recommended for viewing to everyone.

"The terrible will of the gods", 2014

Production: Japan.

Genre: Horror, Fantasy

IMDB rating: 6.5

Unlike the previous one, this film is exactly an amateur. Absolute trash, the sea of ​​blood and the mass death of schoolchildren is his brief characteristics. The film should be given due in originality, it does not take it. The viewer does not spare from the first bloody frames, and what is happening so shocking the average man, which becomes just hard to tear away from the screen. School classes are interrupting the emerged sees from where toys who know how to talk, joke and really want to play - each in their games. But the final of all games one - the loser will be immediately killed.

It is worth noting that the rating is 6.5 is quite high for the movie shot in the horror genre. So it can be recommended to view the holders of strong nerves.

"Room", 2015

Production: Ireland, Canada, United Kingdom, United States

Genre: Thriller, Drama

IMDB rating: 8.1

The main character was kidnapped by Manyak in childhood. Since then, she lives in a tiny room together with the Son who appeared on the light, which in his 5 years never saw nothing but these walls.

Probably, only during self-insulation we can a little, the smallest to understand the understanding that you have to worry about the main heroine. What is it - not to have a simple opportunity to look out the window or choose yourself, what do you want for breakfast?

A strong film with a non-bank plot is unlikely to leave someone indifferent.

Especially I would like to note how well the young Jacob Trembli coped with the role, his game was hardly eclipsed by the game of adult actors.

"You will die, or we will refund your money", 2018

Production: United Kingdom

Genre: Action, Comedy

IMDB rating: 6.2

The film is a real find for lovers of the genre of a black comedy. A unlucky young writer, who suffers from the incessant depression, was trying so many times to reduce the scores with the life that he himself could hardly recall how many of them were and how exactly he wanted to do this. Once again, when the young man jumps from the bridge, but falls on the walking barge and survives again, he meets with an aging professional killer. Once he was the best in his case, but the years take his own, the hand is no longer such a firm, he performs the norm on the corpses with great difficulty, and the head of the "murderers guild" in which he works, hints that it is time for retirement . It seems that these two can help each other.

The situation changes when the writer thinks to die, but the killer does not agree with this, who is extremely important to fulfill the contract concluded according to all the rules of the Guild.

Nontrivial plot and seemingly absolutely black humor. But at the same time the picture turned out to be soulful and even romantic. The scenes of the murders are not frightened, but cause only laughter; Killer and his caring spouse, fond of embroidery, inspire sincere sympathy, and more than anything else worried about the fate of Parrots, who came under the hand of the "bad" character in the form of another member of the "Guild", in whose tasks to remove the aging colleague.

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