What will not come up with: the top 10 of the most strange plastic operations


Modern plastic surgery performs such procedures about which we sometime and could not think.

Liposuction for men

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Our grandparents would die with laughter, seeing shaved men's armpits. And today men make pedicure, epilation and even often fall under a plastic surgeon's knife. At the same time, doctors learned not to just remove fat from the belly, but also to suck out fat deposits so as to emphasize the relief. As a result, cubes appear on the stomach, which are difficult to distinguish from the present.

Tightening back

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With age and in excess weight on the back, uncompatible folds are formed. Especially the lack of women suffer. And liposuction here hard helps, because after her, the skin saves even more. But in the presence of demand, there will always be a sentence: surgeons have come up with the procedure for tightening the skin of the back. A small scar can be easily hidden by a bra.

Plastic navel

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Most of us do not pay attention to the form of their navel, but there are those that he categorically dislike. In this category, women are most often falling after pregnancy and childbirth. And here the cosmetic surgery was not confused. Change the form of a navel is no longer a problem, the main thing is to find on this extra money: the cost of such an operation is from 20 to 100 thousand rubles.

Love lips

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You can give lips seductive pieces now not only with hyaluronic acid and fillers, but also by conducting an operation at which doctors make an incision under the nose and pull the skin. As a result, the upper lip is lifted and becomes more.

Plastic Pumps on the cheeks

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Members look very attractive, so many people pay money to surgeons for the same on their cheeks. If the operation goes successfully, your artificial sneakers cannot be distinguished from the present. By the way, sometimes patients are asked, on the contrary, remove the sneakers. With this procedure, special dense fillers are introduced under the skin. But it will have to repeat it approximately every two years.

Plastic Packs on chin

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And this is also there. A snack on the chin adds a brutality man, so some representatives of strong sex willingly fall under the knife to add attractions to themselves.

Changing eye shape

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This type of manipulation with its appearance especially love the Japanese and the Chinese, which is not surprising, because such a procedure allows the owners of Asian appearance to visually increase their eyes. Surprisingly, this operation does not even apply to a number particularly difficult.

Plastic cheek

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A very popular procedure is the removal of Kitski Bisha, fatty sediments on the cheeks that are even very slender people. As a result of such an operation, the cheekbones look more emphasized. Despite the fact that doctors do not recommend such a procedure, since after a couple of dozen years, reaching a certain age, the person of a person who agrees to such an operation may acquire an unhealthy exhausted form, this procedure is nevertheless one of the most common ladies.

Transplanting eyelashes

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Sometimes people for some reason lose eyelashes, and someone wants to make them thick. The donor hairs are taken from the occipital part of the head, they give them the appropriate shape and transplanted in the eyelid. And the luxurious look is provided to you.

Plastic Nipples

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Many women are unhappy with the form of their nipples, so such an operation is quite common. Such a procedure helps to change the shape and size of the range, and also help in cases where the nipple is chosen. The operation is simple, and its cost begins from 5 thousand rubles (with minimal intervention).

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