New reviews of the series "Falcon and Winter Soldiers" appeared on the network


Today, the premiere of the first episode of the series "Falcon and Winter Soldiers" took place at the Disney + streaming service +. Like last time, critics with great enthusiasm adopted the second television project of the filmmatic universe MARVEL. On the main aggregator of Kinoretsenzia Rotten Tomatoes at the superhero militant with Sebastian Stan and Anthony Poppies are now 97% of positive feedback. Below are brief excerpts from Western media.

Rodrigo Perez, The Playlist:

"It's hard to judge the" falcon and winter soldier ", based only on one episode, but certainly ahead of us awaits a flurry of a large-scale action, humor and other classic elements of the film marvel. Nevertheless, the starting series is awful promising. It shows the rich and multi-layer disclosure of the identity and heritage, and also recalls that no African American is free from the problems of black in America. Even if he is a superhero. "


"It is incredibly difficult to judge the whole series by one episode, but" Falcon and Winter Soldiers "in the first hour gives promising results. The team fighter gives the necessary tide of adrenaline due to the workshop of the director and the phenomenal acting game that the machine displays the material on the list of long creative victories of Marvel Studios.

Jacob Hall, Slash Film:

"It is unlikely that" Falcon and Winter Soldiers "will like people who do not like Marvel films, because all successful ingredients of past projects are doubled. And while this is quite enough. I hope that a bold message about the responsibility of heroes will be able to flourish in the coming weeks. "

Daniel Finberg, The Hollywood Reporter:

"I look forward to the opportunity to explore more detail how Sam and tanks interact with each other, because now they have to spend together on the screen for a longer time; It is interesting to observe the chemistry between this revocible black patriot and a 106-year-old white guy who once fought (albeit reluctant) on the opponent's side. In my opinion, this is quite enough for the application for the second victory disney + and Marvel. "

David opi, DigitalSpy:

"The main part of the advertising campaign was built on two central characters, however, there is definitely hidden a huge number of surprises, which have not yet shown. Nevertheless, the director of Kary Stocity could convince us that in these six episodes there will be many interesting turns. Judging by what we saw the legacy of Cappiece in safe hands. "

The premiere of the second series "Falcon and the Winter Soldier" will take place exactly in a week.

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