The prosecutor said, why believes in violence Woody Allen over her daughter


In the early 1990s, the former wife Woody Allen, Mia Fairrow, tried to punish the director for the plant by juvenile. Mia declared sexual violence over her 7-year-old daughter Dylan. However, in court, the prosecutor did not initiate a matter, although, leaving, noted that Allen "should be imprisoned."

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Last year, this prosecutor, Frank Mako, first met with an adult Dylan and talked about his decision about Allen. In the documentary film Allen V. Farrow Mako told why he refused to blame Allen in 1993.

According to him, during the investigation of the case of Allen, he received a warning from a high-ranking official that Allen's people "hire private detectives to try to find compromising on him and other prosecutors."

Maco also said that when he tried to talk to Dylan about the incident, he ran into "absolute closeness." "She was completely closed. At that time she was so fragile and injured, and I knew that she could not be a good witness. I knew that she had healing. And I did not want to interfere with her recovery, "said the former prosecutor. He also noted that if a little Dylan could not give testimony and closed during the testimony, the judge could justify Allen.

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Frank said that in the end I decided not to give a warrant for the arrest of Allen to save Dylan from the injury of the trial. However, he noted that the state police gathered enough evidence to accuse Allen in a crime.

In a conversation with Dylan Mako told her: "Do not blame yourself. You were a child. If that, blame me. I accepted this decision. You can always point to me and say: this prosecutor did not exit a criminal case. " After that, Dylan said to relief: "I really need to hear it."

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