Results 2017 according to PopcornNews: the best male torso year


Chris Hemsworth

Chris Hemsworth this year pleased us with sparkling jokes in the "Thor: Ragnaret", but we will be honest, much more jokes (and almost just like Loki) We waited for the scenes with the torus without a shirt. The expectations were justified - in the "Tor: Ragnaret", Chris once again demonstrated torso on the envy of everyone. Interestingly, the actor without a shirt himself is not very familiar - and when I read the script "Tor 3", I was even glad that this time there is no such scenes in the film. And then the director of Taika Vaititi still insisted on the demonstration of the torso - for which he is a great personal personal.

Results 2017 according to PopcornNews: the best male torso year 63653_1

Results 2017 according to PopcornNews: the best male torso year 63653_2

Results 2017 according to PopcornNews: the best male torso year 63653_3

Chris Pratt

Hamsworth colleague and another famous Chris from MCU this year also tapped - to the "Guards of the Galaxy 2", demonstrating the results of training in one of the scenes of the superhero blockbuster. In the case of Prett, the presence of a "hot" torso, probably even more important - because we all remember his chubby cheeks and a well-noticeable tummy.

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Results 2017 according to PopcornNews: the best male torso year 63653_5

Results 2017 according to PopcornNews: the best male torso year 63653_6

Jason Momoa

Another "superheroic" torso belongs to Jason Momoa - Thanks "League of Justice", whose director did not be lazy to introduce a couple of scenes with a naked torso aquamena. Another of the fact that the "hot" body Jason will delight us for a long time - to take at least the next year, 2018 "solo" film about the same aqualent, which in its underwater kingdom clothing is clearly without need;)

Results 2017 according to PopcornNews: the best male torso year 63653_7

Idris Elba

Unlike a colleague by "Thor: Ragnaret", Idris is not in a hurry on the screen - but in photo shoots throughout 2017 showed a wonderful body completely. Photo shoots were timed to the exit of three films with a British actor - this year he managed to light up in Tor: Ragnarec, "Dark Tower" and "Great Mount", but "hot" Torso Idris Elba earned almost more attention than His roles.

Photoset for Essence Magazine and the corresponding video from the shooting of a magnificent Idris and his torso:

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Tom Holland.

The representative of the younger generation MARVEL has already grown in order to also, following the example of older colleagues, to demonstrate the results of persistent training (it seems that the prerequisite for male stars of the film MCU is the presence of six cubes of the press). These six cubes of the young spider man managed to demonstrate in 2017 to demonstrate both the film "Spiderman: Return home" (and whether Marvel has at least one film, where, for a variety, no one takes off his shirt?), And in numerous Photo sessions dedicated to his exit.

Results 2017 according to PopcornNews: the best male torso year 63653_9

Results 2017 according to PopcornNews: the best male torso year 63653_10

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