Intrigue, seduce, indicate: What kind of verb can be described by your character on the sign of the zodiac


But as for the signs of the zodiac - to do it possible. Still, representatives of the same sign are characterized by similar quality. Namely - actions. What kind of verb belongs to you like no other?

Aries - defend

The meaning of the life of the Aries is to be useful to other people. Namely - to be support and support for your loved ones. They sometimes even too much express their warliness in terms of defending other people's interests. It seems to them that through such behavior in their direction there will be more attention and love as a sign of gratitude.

But not always their warlike nature is satisfied with the outcome - many surrounding only annoying excessive care and the attention from Aries.

Taurus - indicate

Probably the main dream of any Taurus - so that everyone gets danced under his duff. Of course, the Taurist himself considers his commander's behavior of a good gesture manifested only for the benefit of his loved ones, but is it? The calves in nature are the conservatives living according to generally accepted moral polls and views, and any extinguishing from these men of their loved ones perceive as a personal insult. And, by itself, do not restrain in their statements, exposing criticism of the freedom to choose other people.

Gemini - change

Someone ever personally knew the representative of the sign of the twins, loving the dimension and predictability? We are not. And all because the twins are the most inconstant and ambivalent zodiac sign. Their mood can change 10 times per day, or even more.

People who are near them are not always confident in the stability of their mental health, and the twins only laugh at these guesses from others, realizing that the taste of life they feel only with such behavior.

Cancer - nest

It is difficult to believe, but these emotional and freedom-loving guys are very appreciated by home comfort and warmth. Cancers prefer to create comfort everywhere and in everything, they love peace and harmony. No wonder there is a shell in wilderness, representatives of this zodiacal sign create the same shell in their lives. Such a small invented world, in which will calmly live cancer, is the guarantor of their peace of mind.

Intrigue, seduce, indicate: What kind of verb can be described by your character on the sign of the zodiac 63666_1

Lion - Seduct

Well, who does not know about self-love and Gordin Lviv? This very stereotypical sign of the zodiac is not for nothing that has increased dubious glory. After all, with all his actions, Lions only confirm - they are the most real seductants and heated hearts. Lions brings a kayf feeling of self-importance that surrounding only heated in it. Lion is almost always cold - such a tactic of behavior adds to him of dramaticness and charm, which he himself knows perfectly. If you are hoping for serious and stable relationships without disappointments - you can hardly get involved with lions.

Virgo - do

Work 24/7 without days off - the usual life pace for virgins. They constantly seem to be something they do not have time (although all the works have already been made, and their term is very, very far away). A frequent problem of virgins is a certain sense of selflessness. That is why they load themselves with ten more tasks, completely optional to perform. Productivity - the second name of the virgins.

But do not forget that "action" and "activity" are completely opposite concepts. "Action" carries the focus and meaning, and "activity" is most often unscelred and fussy, it only takes energy and does not give sense of satisfaction.

Scales - balancing

The word "scales" reveals us all the essence of this sign of the zodiac. Scales tend to equilibrium in everything. If it seems to someone that they are not good and competent in the case, they will definitely find another matter that they are able to and prove to you that they are the best. Yes, the scales are very dependent on the opinions of others, and this is what makes them spread a lot to the unnecessary classes.

Scorpio - intrigue

Where Scorpio is there - there are intrigues. The one who has a friend scorpion knows exactly - it is not always possible to be 100% confident in his honesty and openness with you. These cunnings are still trying to arrange some scandal. But the most important principle for them in this matter is not a direct member of such skirmis, but to be only a third-party observer, no matter how. But the scorpions know that everything is happening because of them, and gives them pleasure.

Sagittarius - Moving

Unlike twins, not so much changes in their daily events are important than the concept of movement. It doesn't matter, forward it, back or even left. The absence of stagnation is that it really worries their restless nature. Sagittarius is very social and company people, even stronger them will inspire the presence of a satellite of life, which will fully share their view on the world and move along with them.

Intrigue, seduce, indicate: What kind of verb can be described by your character on the sign of the zodiac 63666_2

Capricorn - climb

But Capricorn, on the contrary, it is important to move forward. They put their goals, often very overpriced. But it is the process of achieving these goals that is a source of vitality for the Capricors. Often in life, representatives of this particular sign of the zodiac achieve high positions and titles due to their persistence and perseverance.

The surrounding it is hard to understand and adjust the tempo of the life of the Capricors, but it is especially necessary for Capricorn - they are willing and alone fighting for their place under the sun.

Aquarius - to pacify

So whoever does not definitely removes "pink glasses"! Aquarius got used to see in people only good and until the last convinced of himself in the fact that even the most recent villain somewhere in the soul quite a positive hero. Such naivety very often plays with Aquarius, a keen joke, forcing them to make a mistake in people and hoping for a story with a happy end. But there is such an assumption that there are a little masochista in their nature. They may even like how sometimes they come with them. They immediately feel themselves by God's dandelion, compared to which everything around is solid evil. And immediately so good in the soul becomes.

Fish - feel

The range of perception of the surrounding world from fish begins with emotions and ends ... ibid! Pisces are passed through themselves. True - absolutely everything. This is the wounded, gullible and sensual sign of the zodiac, next to which even super-emotional crayfish will feel worm. Because of this, their features are very easy to manipulate, it is easy to tell them some nice words, and they are ready to listen to your instructions.

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