The best friend Miley Cyrus talked about her cruelty


"Miley - Lgunya, who mocked her girls and was a real bitch with each," says Nicole. - I'm shocked that Destini, oh, I meant Miley, wrote a book that she was a victim of bullying and ridicule at school, while she was the most cruel and sub-school girl at school. Even when we were friends, she was very poorly brought up. I knew her from the first class, and when we reached the secondary school, she turned 180 degrees. "

As Nicole said, they had a close connection, and they were simply inseparable. "We were constantly together and chatted only about school. Typical girls conversations. " But everything has changed in high school when she began to communicate with girls who mocked everyone. "I was skinny and low. They were quite capable of beat me, "says Nicole. - Miley has become the same. I remember how she shouted after one girl, that the lesbian. If someone had touched her finger, it would be the end of the world for him. Her dad could own the whole school. "

Nicole says that she has no hatred for Miley, she just wants her old girlfriend to go crazy from glory and wealth. "Miley is a good girl in the depths of the soul, but I saw how she rests at parties and how it becomes like Lindsay Lohan."

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