Netflix acquired the right to remake "It's all she"


Netflix streaming service acquired another ambitious project. According to the portal Deadline, the media group bought the rights to the upcoming remake of the romantic comedy "that's all she" at the Miramax studio. The amount of the transaction is estimated at $ 20 million. The release in the online cinema is promised to organize until the end of this year.

The central roles in the project played the Tiktok Platform star Eddison Ray and Tanner Bucanan, famous for the TV series "Cobra Kai". In 1999, a popular school handsome person (Freddie Prince - Jr.) helped a nondescript zubler (whether Cook Rachel) become the Queen of the Graduation Ball. In rethinking history, which will be called "This is all", the plot will receive the reverse embodiment: the local superstar of social networks (Ray) will take over the transformation of the largest school loser (Bucanan) and will make the most desirable guy in the district.

In the rest of the acting, Madtis is involved, Peyton Meyer, Isabella Krampt, Andrew Callaohan, Vanessa Dubasso, Mayra Mollah, Annie Jacob and Courtney Kardashian. The director "Chumova Friday" and "Drying Girls" Mark Waters are responsible for the director of the tape. The script wrote the author of the original film R. Lee Fleming - Jr..

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